Our Partners


    We’ve been delighted to start discussions with the ANZ School of Government (ANZSOG), a unique organization working for and owned by the governments of Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. ANZSOG has been working for over 20 years to improve the quality of public leadership. We’re talking with them to explore how their unique position bridging the academy and practice will help us connect to the people and practice of governing and policy across our project’s design, development and delivery.

  • Projects

    The Phersons

    We are partnering with Kathy and Randy Pherson to present a series of workshops on resilience, the RRR™ Framework and RRR.ai™. The Phersons pioneered the development of critical thinking skills during their careers in the US intelligence community. Their 10 publications have become the industry-standard for structured analytic techniques, relied upon by analysts from commercial, government, and academic organizations in over 40 countries.