Our Services

Unlock the power of Dragonfly Thinking in your organization

We recognize our clients each have unique needs, so our services can be tailored to suit your requirements. We provide introductory presentations, workshops and project support for exploration.

We have begun piloting our AI-enabled RRR tool as a SaaS product. Please contact us if you are interested in our software offerings.

  • Presentation

    Introducing Dragonfly Thinking

    A 1-2 hour presentation providing an overview of Dragonfly Thinking™, introducing its tools and techniques, including MLA and the RRR framework. The session includes a Q&A session, enabling attendees to explore further.

  • Workshop

    Workshopping Dragonfly Thinking

    We offer a half- or full-day interactive workshops. During the workshops, participants learn how to apply the Dragonfly Thinking™ tools and techniques to their own work. This includes getting the chance to apply the AI-enabled RRR tool to a problem confronting their organization.

  • Projects


    Dragonfly Thinking Projects

    We are enrolling a limited number of organizations in pilot projects to apply our AI-enabled RRR tool within their organizations. We provide expert advice and facilitation to help users understand and effectively manage complex problems within their organizations.

Prices are available on request – please contact us to discuss.